Christian Education

Responsibility for the nurture of children in the faith rests squarely on their parents, particularly the father; thus, parents are to conduct regular family worship at home according to Deuteronomy 6:6-9 and 2 Timothy 3:16

Sunday School

Parents of children ages 4-8 have the option of having their children participate in a Sunday school program which is held during the morning sermon time. With a rotating schedule of teachers, continuity in the program is achieved by using a curriculum specifically designed for Sunday school, published by Great Commission Publications.

Reformed in nature, this material emphasizes the great doctrines of the Bible while studying some of the most wonderful Bible stories.

New Members Class

We believe it is the duty of every Christian to become a member of a local church, for worship, edification, and outreach. Candidates for membership enjoy a five session course, centered on our constitution, to acquaint them with doctrine, church organization, and commitment.

For reference, each candidate receives, in addition to a copy of our Constitution, The Savoy Declaration of Faith of 1658, the Cambridge Platform of 1649, JI Packer's Concise Theology, JA James' Christian Fellowship, PG Ryken's What is a True Calvinist?, and Douglas Wilson's To a Thousand Generations.


Speaking Truth To Power
7th May 2023


The True Grace Of God
30th April 2023


Grace Through Fire
23rd April 2023
