
Below is the Cornerstone Church Sermon Archive. We invite you to listen to the sermons preached over the last 18 months or to search for sermons on a particular topic.

Click on any of the sermons listed below to download and listen.
Title: Fear and Faith
Scripture: Habakkuk 3:16-19
Speaker: Pastor Steve Tindall
11th August 2013
Series: Love of Christ and Love for Christ
Title: Love of Christ and Love for Christ: Fruits of Her Praise of her Beloved
Scripture: Song of Songs 5:9-10, 15b-6:3
Speaker: Pastor David Green
4th August 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: Human Sin, God's Righteous Requirements and His Mercy (from HC #11-18)
Scripture: Titus 3:1-8
Speaker: Pastor David Green
28th July 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: Creation, Fall, Inability, Responsibility & Judgment (from HC LD #2-4b)
Scripture: Acts 17:22-33
Speaker: Pastor David Green
21st July 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: The Inescapable Prerequisite of Christian's Comfort (from HC LD #1 & 2)
Scripture: Psalm 38
Speaker: Pastor David Green
14th July 2013
Series: Communion Sunday
Title: Love of Christ and Love for Christ: She Describes Her Beloved (concl)
Scripture: Song of Songs 5:2-16
Speaker: Pastor David Green
7th July 2013