The Cornerstone Church
Our purpose is to glorify the triune God of Scripture by maintaining and promoting his worship, both individually and corporately, by edification of his saints and by evangelism. Therefore we are committed to the proclamation of God's perfect law and of the glorious Gospel of his grace through all the world, to the defense of that "faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3), and to the pure and faithful celebration of the ordinances of the New Covenant.
It has always been the desire of those at Cornerstone to know more of what Scripture says. This is not for knowledge’s sake alone, for “knowledge puffs up” (I Corinthians 8:1). But if we are to faithfully love and serve God, we must know him as he has revealed Himself to us, though Scripture and especially through the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Green preaches from the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation.
We see God’s plan of salvation throughout – from man’s sin and separation from God and the promise of a Messiah (a Savior), to the fulfillment of our redemption and righteousness through the obedience and death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a glorious gospel! Jesus came, lived the perfect life of obedience which we are not able to live, bore the wrath of God for our sins, and by his Spirit credits to those who trust him a righteousness without which no one can abide in God’s presence!
Since the time of Christ, His power has been manifest through faithful servants who have contended for the faith. Thus we do not neglect the principal doctrinal documents of the Christian faith and looking to Scripture to see why we, and others in centuries past, profess to believe these things. Our studies thus include the Creeds of the early Church, and the Confessions and Catechisms of the Reformation. Elsewhere on this site you will find links to several of these Documents.