
Below is the Cornerstone Church Sermon Archive. We invite you to listen to the sermons preached over the last 18 months or to search for sermons on a particular topic.

Click on any of the sermons listed below to download and listen.
Series: Communion Sunday: Song of Songs
Title: Love of Christ and Love for Christ: His Final Praise of His Friend and Her Response
Scripture: Song of Songs 7:1-13
Speaker: Pastor David Green
3rd November 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: Christ's Ascension and the Holy Spirit - Pouring (HC #46-51)
Scripture: Acts 2:1-4, 14-36
Speaker: Pastor David Green
27th October 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: Christ's Ascension and the Holy Spirit-from Isaiah to Malachi (HC #46-51)
Scripture: Ezekiel 36:22-27; 37:1-14
Speaker: Pastor David Green
20th October 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: Christ's Ascension and the Holy Spirit-from Creation to Isaiah (HC #46-51)
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:13-17; 24:17-22
Speaker: Pastor David Green
13th October 2013
Series: Communion Sunday: Song of Songs
Title: Love of Christ and Love for Christ: The Greatness of the Church from her Infinitely Greater Lord
Scripture: Songs of Songs 6:1-13
Speaker: Pastor David Green
6th October 2013
Series: Heidelberg Catechism
Title: Christ's Ascension and the Holy Spirit in Scripture (HC #46-51)
Scripture: John 2:23-3:9; Matthew 28:16-20
Speaker: Pastor David Green
29th September 2013