
Below is the Cornerstone Church Sermon Archive. We invite you to listen to the sermons preached over the last 18 months or to search for sermons on a particular topic.

Click on any of the sermons listed below to download and listen.
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: God Gives the Increase
Scripture: Isaiah 6:8-11, Mark 4:1-34
Speaker: Brad Townley
21st February 2021
Series: Exodus
Title: Worship Is Imitation
Scripture: Exodus 25:1-9, 31:1-11
Speaker: Tim Roy
14th February 2021
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: Sower, Seed, Soil
Scripture: MArk 4:1-20
Speaker: Brad Townley
7th February 2021
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: Unforgiven?
Scripture: Mark 3:22-30
Speaker: Brad Townley
31st January 2021
Series: Exodus
Title: What is Essential ?
Scripture: Exodus 20:22-26
Speaker: Tim Roy
24th January 2021
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: The Many, the Few, the One
Scripture: Mark 3:7-21, 31-35
Speaker: Brad Townley
17th January 2021