
Below is the Cornerstone Church Sermon Archive. We invite you to listen to the sermons preached over the last 18 months or to search for sermons on a particular topic.

Click on any of the sermons listed below to download and listen.
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: Lord of the Sabbath
Scripture: Mark 2:23-3:6
Speaker: Brad Townley
3rd January 2021
Title: God's Holy and Humble People
Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-22
Speaker: Tim Roy
27th December 2020
Series: A Meesage for Advent
Title: For All Mankind
Scripture: 2 Samuel 7
Speaker: Brad Townley
20th December 2020
Title: God's Physical Personal Presence
Scripture: Matthew 1:1-25
Speaker: Tim Roy
13th December 2020
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: Feasting & Fasting
Scripture: Mark 2:13-22
Speaker: Brad Townley
6th December 2020
Series: Gospel of Mark
Title: Say What ?
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
Speaker: Brad Townley
29th November 2020